Breaking Through the Fog: How Self-Reflection Helped Me Conquer Limiting Beliefs

This morning, I sat down with my trusty energy drink and my ever-growing "to-do" list, only to feel a familiar but unwelcome wave of sluggishness settle over me. I hadn’t felt this way in a long time, so naturally, it caught my attention. Instead of brushing it off, I leaned into the discomfort and asked myself, What’s really going on here?

After some deep self-reflection, I uncovered two culprits behind my mental and physical funk:

  1. A limiting belief about what it means to be “successful.”
  2. A lingering fear of other people’s opinions.

Stay with me—I promise there’s a lesson in this (and a little bit of humor). Let me walk you through what I discovered and, more importantly, how I worked through it.

The Story Behind the Struggle

For over 21 years, I worked as a behavior analyst specializing in helping neurodivergent children, mentoring parents, and training teachers. I had a thriving client list, loved my job, and felt confident in my purpose. But in Summer of 2023, my world shifted when the owner of the clinic I worked for announced she’d retire in 2024. I was left with a choice: join another clinic or take the leap to start my own business.

I chose the leap.

By November 2023, I launched Stepping Stones Behavior Solutions, and in April 2024, I founded Purple Lotus Revival, a coaching business designed to help women heal from trauma and reclaim their power. While I had no doubts about my ability to guide others on their healing journeys, running a business turned out to be harder than I ever imagined.

I faced a mountain of obstacles—wrangling with insurance companies, decoding the mysteries of social media algorithms, and grappling with the guilt of charging for services that so many desperately need. It often felt like a never-ending uphill battle, and I can’t tell you how many times I wanted to throw in the towel.

But here’s the funny thing: just as I was writing about these challenges, a glass fell off my table and shattered on the floor—completely unprovoked. It was as if the Universe was shouting, Enough whining—get back to work!

Redefining Success

In the quiet moments after cleaning up the mess, I asked myself a simple but powerful question: Why don’t I feel successful?

My answer surprised me. It wasn’t that I wasn’t helping people or making progress; it was the unrealistic expectations I had tied to success. I thought I needed a certain number of clients, a specific income level, or widespread recognition to be "successful."

But when I looked up the definition of success—"the accomplishment of an aim or purpose"—I realized I’d been chasing the wrong metrics. My true purpose is to help others, and by that measure, I’m already wildly successful.

Facing the Fear of Judgment

The other roadblock was my fear of judgment, both from others and, if I’m being honest, from myself. As I dug deeper, I realized this fear stemmed from past traumas—times when I felt unworthy, rejected, or misjudged.

While I’ve made significant progress in overcoming these fears (like putting my picture on my business page and proudly owning my work), they still rear their heads from time to time. That’s the thing about healing—it’s a journey, not a destination. The Universe loves to test us to see if we’ve truly learned our lessons.

When fear of judgment creeps in, I remind myself of two truths:

  1. I can’t control what others think or say about me. (My new motto is “What other people think of me is none of my business.”)
  2. Those who genuinely love and support me will see the truth, no matter what.

The Tools That Keep Me Grounded

When I feel myself slipping into old patterns of limiting beliefs or self-criticism, I rely on tools that help me realign:

  • Guided Meditations: These help me quiet the noise in my mind and reconnect with my purpose.
  • Positive Affirmations: I use these to rewire my brain and build confidence.
  • Daily Self-Awareness Checks: A simple check-in with myself each morning helps me address small issues before they snowball into big ones.

The key is to take action, no matter how small, to shift your mindset and raise your energy.

Your Healing Journey

If you’ve ever struggled with limiting beliefs or felt paralyzed by fear of judgment, know that you’re not alone. Healing is a process, and setbacks don’t mean failure—they’re opportunities to grow.

Whether you choose journaling, meditation, or energy healing, the most important step is simply starting. When you take action, even in the smallest ways, you reclaim your power and move closer to the life you deserve.

If you’re ready to dig deeper into your own healing journey, I’d love to help. Schedule a free consultation here, email me at [email protected], or send me a DM. Let’s work together to break through the fog and uncover your light.

Remember, you are capable, you are worthy, and you are not alone. 💜




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